Welcome to the fifth issue of Golfington not-very-Quarterly-at-all.
Firstly, let me apologise profusely for the lateness of this issue. The writers retreated into self-isolation and I had trouble getting any articles out of them. I eventually tracked them down at the members’ bar at Real Miralles, which they claimed was purely for social distancing reasons, but that did not adequately explain the fact that they were knee-deep in empty Cava bottles with a bar bill to match.
I hope you have been keeping well and healthy during lockdown and have been taking the opportunity to practice your favourite indoor shots – the Gaf Lean, the Kingsley Knee-killer, and the rebounding-off-the-door-frame-to-somewhere-behind-you shot. Now that we have some summer weather to enjoy and the possibility of being able to resume competitive Golfington seems tantalisingly close, let’s see what we have to look forward to.
In this issue we bring you an update on Converse x Golfington, our ground-breaking collaboration with the iconic footwear brand, and a preview of the long-awaited Golfington app for your phone, to enhance your game through technology! To conclude, we present a selection of the favourite on-course drinks of some of the personalities of the game.
Converse x Golfington
Footwear is an oft-overlooked component of the well-dressed player’s ensemble, and to that end we have partnered with Converse to give players a comfortable, competitive, and above all stylish option to fill this gap. Available in customised colours, match them to your outfit as you wish to delight and impress spectators and players alike.
Converse x Golfington logo Converse x Golfington matching outfit
The Golfington Mobile App
The Golfington Research and Development department has been hard at work on a new app to enhance your game. Complete with details of all the iconic courses, it displays the maps and vital details of courses and all their holes, acting as your personal guide around the course to enhance your enjoyment of the game and hopefully your performance too.
List of available courses Course details List of holes for course
Pictured above we have screenshots of the course list, and a sample overview of Highgate Wood and its nine holes.
Details for a hole Course overview with all holes
An example of a hole view, with explanations of the tee and hole positions, and also the course overview of all holes and available amenities.
The app is undergoing its final states of testing before general release, so look out for a press release announcing its availability! We are still coming up with a short list of bands to perform at the launch party; the hype has been through the roof and everyone is clamouring to be involved.
The Golfington Drinks List
Preparation for a prestigious tournament is serious business and there many important factors to take into consideration to ensure top performance during the event. Foremost in the serious player’s mind will be selecting an eye-catching outfit, determining what unique symbol to draw on their cock on the morning of the game, and of course choosing their favourite drink to enjoy on the course. We have interviewed a selection of the game’s best-known personalities to bring you their wisdom on selecting the finest Golfington drinks.
The only double winner of the Superstars Open to date, the legendary Lars, reaches for a Maidstone Mule. For those readers unaware of this fine drink, it is a refreshing mix of gin, ginger beer and fresh lime. He explains its appeal on the course:
The clinking of the ice as one saunters from one shot to the next, the concentration-focussing hit of gin, the exhilarating zing of fizzy ginger, the mind-sharpening sourness of lime… hard to beat!
Top consultant course designer Jan prefers Spanish cider, or sidra, from Asturias.
Sticking with the Spanish theme are renowned Golfington historian Tim, and the editor of this publication Stephen, who can’t resist the bone-dry appeal of Fino Sherry to keep their games focussed and precise. The bar at Golfington HQ is kept well stocked with Tio Pepe en Rama, which is a particular favourite.

You may be forgiven for thinking that Bethany’s favourite drink is Champagne, given how often she wins the “best dressed player” award and is presented with a bottle of it. She does find something that edges this though, which is “Ethel’s Turn”, named after Ethel Mae Potter: “Basically it’s a dirty blonde, but with a little class.”
“Ethel’s Turn”
1/2 oz. elderflower liqueur
1 oz. dry gin
2 oz. Lillet Blanc
2 oz fresh grapefruit juice
A few dashes lemon bitters
Garnish with a Lily flower.
Pour it all over ice in a cocktail shaker, give a shake, serve in a martini glass.
It sounds fantastic and we can’t wait to try it!
With that, we must leave you for another quarter (or other very loosely defined unit of time) and wish you good health and good thwacking until we meet again.